my first car - and we made a camping station wagon - so we could overnight at our Glacier for freestyle-ski-training - first camping experience

Being Exchange students in New Orleans during Mardi Gras - free car from hosts driving all in one car from NewOrleans to Jacksonville-Orlando

Needing money for university: driving lorries international:Italy -Germany-Netherlands - great experience for 3 years ! this was my truck: MAN 16-240 gear shifting up next to steering wheel - ....lifetime-experience I am proud of !

first large camper - PaceArrow Gas engine - driving to greece for vacation - off course our Jeep CJ7 on the trailer...on this trip I was laying more under the car repairing than driving - but we made it back home safe

already driving US-Cars in Europe - Family Van for our daughters

picked it up by myself with my buddy Ryan from Elkart in Canada at factory - shipped it to europe - there it was finally driven by daughter Verena to several horseshows all over Europe - sold it 2010

Bought at gulfstream-drove it to harbour in New Jersey and load it for Europe - after this he made with us 350.000 km all over europe -great - Camper ! this was with new paint visiting Neu Schwanstein Germany with our kids !

he made more than 280.000 all over Europe towing horses driving event equipment - brave but 19l/100 km is not this what you need at this time now ....1990-2010 - all kinds of US SUV+s Chevy Suburban, Tahoe - finally Excursions from Ford

meeting with "same-same" in New Orleans 2002
90 countries and more - in more than 4 decades - uncountable distances - different cars:
Yes, I always loved driving - I definitely inherited this from my parents ! My wife Lidiya loves traveling and discover new places:
So we just decided, to self-drive-the-world together.
Different experiences, from driving a 40 ton truck between Netherland, Germany and Italy to finance my University, to business driving all over Europe as a Sportsmarketing agent to a "horse-Dad", driving around horse shows with my daughters all over Europe to finally use the free time to discover the world with own - self driving ! I really do not remember - how many different cars we where using - this pictures show only some..... driving was always one of my preferred destinies !
Lidiya working all-year as fashion designer in her hometown LVIV,, dedicated her savings for traveling as far-out destinations, enjoying this preferable with her daughter, to show her the beauty of our planet !
Primarily we try to drive with our own cars but also some times with rental cars
Since 2011 having a special prep-cars in Europe and in SouthEast Asia to really drive this parts all over:
To discover and share this experience,
who is is interested !
This is our guideline - Just enjoy !